Category Archives: Side-Projects

How I wrote two books in a week

I’ve published two books on Amazon in less than a week. More specifically two sudoku puzzle books. I didn’t want to publish just another app. I choose something you can print and touch. A book was the best choice.

How to generate PDF from web pages

10 years ago I used some PHP libraries to generate PDFs. It’s time to move on.

A simple WordPress plugin to create flash briefing skills for Alexa

With my stupid simple WordPress plugin you can make your blog serve Alexa content for flash briefing skills

How to scrape that web page with Node.js and puppeteer

A little tutorial on how to start web scraping with puppeteer, the Node.js library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.

How to find ideas for beer money?

How to find ideas for beer money? Is it all about little problems? Are you the Startup Guy or the Passive Income Hacker. I don’t know who I am, but I want to be the PIH!

This is the kind of automation I like!

I should learn how to make money with a cluster of Raspberry Pi. Looks like it’s really that easy. Or not?

Some of my GitHub repositories

GitHub is going to be acquired by Microsoft. While they sort their stuff out I’ll take the chance to share some of my GitHub repositories. They’re not that big, but they’re mine.