Some of my GitHub repositories

So, Microsoft acquired GitHub, funny how Microsoft turned out itself.

I was thinking there’s no link to my GitHub account in this blog, so check some of my repositories. Clone them out, and contribute, if you think they could be improved (and probably they need it).
The template for this blog, with SASS assets and based on BlankSlate. You can find more details in the repo

It’s a set of lists of italian words, useful for puzzle games or you know, playing with words 😛

I was always thrilled by “idea generation mechanism” and how a business like Facebook or Uber or Apple can born from “the brain” of someone…

A while ago I’ve read about the Idea machine from James Altucher and as a programmer I’ve decided to give to my idea machine a little structure and a way to ensure some sort of quality to my ideas.

Unfortunately I’m still far away from the 1000 ideas goal.

A simple boilerplate for Slim 3 apps with an even simple admin area.

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