How to find a cofounder for your startup

It’s 2018, almost 2019. I keep reading (in Italy more than anywhere else) about people looking for a tech co-founder that will help them develop their idea.

Look no more people!

No, I’m not trying to teach you the latest trick for finding a tech cofounder. I’m simply telling you to stop looking around for tech cofounders.


Why? Let’s keep it real, from a developer point of view.

  • Do you want me to work on your ideas for free? I already have mine to work on for free, no thanks.
  • Ok, you want to pay me. With shares in your company. If you’re Google that might look interesting. Otherwise shares of something valued 0, guess what, are worth zero. Go back to step 1.
  • Doing business with someone is like getting married. Would you marry a complete stranger met on the Internet or at a startup event? No. Probably it will happen someday if you really like each other a lot and after many years of deep knowledge.

But wait. There’s a way to make people work on (and love, if you’re really lucky) your idea:


It’s really that simple.

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